Home Page

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Your Class Teacher is Mrs Armstrong.

In Year 5 we are looking forward to a year full of hard work and fun. On this page you will find lots of useful information about the topics we will be studying this year.

Please remember to have your P.E. kit in school at all times and to provide your own pens and pencils. 

Summer 1
During the first half of the summer term, Year 5 will be studying The Highwayman poem, by Alfred Noyes in English. Our Science topic centres around how humans change throughout their lives and how we reproduce, compared with other living organisms. In Geography we will be studying South America in quite a lot of depth, focusing on boyh physical and human aspects. In Mathematics, we will continue to cover all aspects of the curriculum, including problem solving and mental maths.

Summer 2
In Summer 2 we will be continuing with our South America theme, but moving the focus to the Amazon rainforest. In Science we will look at the lifestyles of a variety of animals, including humans, as well as how flowering plants reproduce.
Our English will focus on The Pearl Diver by Julia Johnson, and then Moondial by Helen Creswell. We will continue to practise different sentence types and to use higher level punctuation.
In Maths, we will look at improper fractions and mixed numbers, converting capacities, percentages, reflecting on 2D shapes and interpreting data.
In P.E. we will continue with circuit training but move to athletics.