Welcome to Year 5
Teacher: Mrs Armstrong
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Grice
Spring 2
English will be linked to our class book, The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe by CS Lewis and look at higher level comprehension questions around it. Also, children will write a long story based around fantasy and adventure themes.
Our targets this term are:
To recite a poem or extract from memory to an audience
Our maths will involve daily practise of number fluency and will take the form of times table tests, mental maths and maths skills practise using assertive mentoring materials.
We will look at:
We will continue to develop reasoning by looking at why questions are incorrect/correct and finding more than one solution for maths problems.
Our Science work will focus on learning about microbes and their role in the food chain. We will be looking at decomposing materials and finding out about scientific discoveries such as the development of antibiotics, vaccines and antiseptics.
Our Geography topic is all about where our water comes from. We will look at where our fresh drinking water comes from and the problems of enabling all communities to have free access to clean water. We will also look at the water cycle and issues around conservation as well as the role of water aid agencies.
In Computing children will investigate coding including looking at semaphore, Morse-coding, Caesar cyphering and the need for encrypted passwords. They will also look at how to keep themselves safe online.
In Art we will be revising our drawing skills developed earlier in the year by planning, designing and drawing a book cover based around their own fantasy story (see English.)
During R.E. lessons children will make connections between the Muslim practice of the Five Pillars and their beliefs about God and the Prophet Muhammad. They will describe and reflect on the significance of the Holy Qur’an to Muslims. They will also make connections between the key functions of the mosque and the beliefs of Muslims.
PE: Monday & Wednesday- Children must be able to remove or tape their own earrings and be responsible for them. Please have outdoor kit in school at all times.
Homework: given out on Fridays to be completed by Monday-Wednesday
Guided reading: Tuesday
Please can you also make sure children have the correct equipment for school:
a blue handwriting pen (no biros), pencil, ruler, eraser and glue stick.