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Welcome to Reception 😊

Your teacher is Mrs. Parsons and your teaching assistant is Mrs. Kays.


General Information:

  • Everyday in school, your child will need their book bag and a named water bottle. Wellies will also be required. These boots will stored under the veranda, ready for any puddles and damp grass! Don’t forget to name them- we often get duplicate pairs.
  • P.E. Please send in indoor kits everyday Monday, thank you. If your child has pierced ears, please remove their earrings (or apply tape) on P.E. day, thank you.
  • Snacks of fruit and vegetables are provided. Alternatively, you can send in a (named) snack. Please note we are a Healthy School. No nuts or products containing nuts/ chocolate e.g. Nutella
  • School lunches are free. The school’s kitchen team provide excellent meals for all Reception children. Alternatively, you can send in a packed lunch.
  • Homework: This is completed in an exercise book called a ‘Busy Bee’ book. It is handed out every FRIDAY. Please return it every WEDNESDAY to enable completed work to be marked and new work to be assigned.



Currently, your child has a (yellow) book to share together with you, plus a library book. Your child also has a book which closely aligns to the school’s phonic teaching so that they can read the book themselves. Other books will be sent home to support your child’s home reading experience.


In Autumn Two, parents and carers experienced a phonics lesson, together with the opportunity to share books in the classroom with their child/ children. This lesson gave a flavour of a phonics session. As the term has progressed, the phonics sessions have extended to include: ‘Say the Sounds’ (listen to phonemes and point to the corresponding graphemes), spellings (segmentation), tricky words, songs, together with handwriting (letter patter). There are separate literacy lessons


In summer one  the children will be:


*Learning Level 3 Floppy Phonics graphemes-phoneme correspondence

*Continuing with Drawing Club, using texts and puppets, plus lots of opportunities to develop their communication and language skills

*Maths: fluency (counting forwards and backwards), doubling and halving, odd and even numbers

*Science: growing plants, looking at seasonal changes, sound and light, mixing/ dissolving and cooking

*Purple Mash (ICT)

* Geography and History: Map work, comparing countries, sharing texts to develop a sense of time

*Think Equal: compassion, recognising emotions

* R.E. Wonder and Awe, festivals

*Art: symmetry, observational drawing using various media



If you need to speak to a member of staff for more than a few moments, feel free to make an appointment or have a chat after school. Alternatively, my email address is:


The Reception Team look forward to working with you this year. There are lots of exciting activities planned! Thank you in advance for your kind support,

Mrs. Parsons (teacher) and Mrs. Kays (teaching assistant)




Summer Term

Spring Term

Autumn Term

