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Early work - Pages 7 and 8 of Schofield and Sims Book 1 . The children can read the words on page

                  7 and then write them underneath.

English  - The children will be completing a comprehension on the story we have been reading.

Maths    -   Review pages 165-168. I do not think these will take long so I would also like to do                              Revision 2 - pages 169-174. This seems a lot, but there aren't that many things to do

                 on each page. I haven't put an extension as I think this is more than enough work.

Geography  -   We will be learning about the climate of Mexico and about the people and 

                       animals who live there.

Homework      I have added an extra folder this week with a book review. The children can read a                              non-fiction book called On the Wing by Claire Llewellyn. This is on the Oxford                              Owl website. The login is wellgreenb and the password is 2020. They can then do                           a brief book review and they have some spellings to learn.

                      I know it's all homework at the moment and I totally understand if you feel the 

                      children need a break.

Assembly   -    with Mrs Markham 

