PHONICS: Learning about sounds. You will need a collection of percussion instruments or a collection of 'found' instruments, such as saucepans and metal/ wooden spoons, rice and pasta in various containers. Print off or draw pictures of a lion and a mouse. Discuss whether a lion is loud or quiet, repeat with the mouse. Hold up one of the pictures and encourage your child to play the instruments either loud (like a lion) or quiet (like the mouse).
MATHS: Counting. Using items that are the same (to avoid unnecessary distraction), Encourage your child to count the e.g. plates, button, cushions. Numerals-does your child know how old they are? Can they recognise the numerals 3 and 4?
OTHER LEARNING: Enjoy lots of lovely books. Talk about the pictures. Are there any refrains your child can join in with?
'Boogie Beebies' on the BBC iPlayer: These are super popular and a great way to sing and exercise. A class favourite is the 'Dinosaur,' and Mrs. Parsons' favourites is 'Mango'