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Morning Work - Spellings

Complete spellings/handwriting practice as morning work.


Complete the White Rose questions on 'Three decimal places'.

If you complete this with time to spare, as an extension task, you can complete a page of the Classroom Secrets reasoning/problem solving questions at a level of your choosing.



Re-read the text about the Mississippi River and answer the comprehension questions in full sentences in your English book.


We are going to work through the lesson video together in our Zoom session but if you want to go back and practice any part of it again, here is the link to the video so you can re-watch it:


Today you are going to plan the theme and content for your blog. You need to use 2Connect on Purple Mash to create a concept map of your ideas. I will demonstrate how to use this in our Zoom session.

I have set this task as a '2Do' and would like you to hand it in when completed please.
