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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Your teacher is Mrs Duarte


Autumn 1

In English we will be reading the Roald Dahl book ‘The Twits’ and producing different writing linked to this. We will be reading and writing poetry. We will also be exploring information texts linked to our work in other curriculum areas. We will be focusing on basic sentence punctuation and using conjunctions. We will be learning to spell words containing the long vowel phonemes spelt in different ways. 


In Maths we will start working through 'Maths No Problem'. We will be looking at place value in numbers, comparing and ordering numbers and identifying patterns in number sequences. We will be exploring different strategies for addition & subtraction. We will be exploring and learning the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.


In our Science chemistry lessons, we will explore ways of grouping objects based on the materials they are made from and explore how objects are made from their original material. In our physics lessons, we will experiment with a slope and see how it changes the speed of an object, group and categorise electrical appliances and categorise sounds.


In our Geography topic, 'Around the World', we will be naming and locating the seven continents and five oceans on a world map. We will learn to use the four-point compass to describe direction and will explore features of some of the major oceans.

In History, we will be learning about the Great Plague in England and why it was a significant event. We will find out how the plague spread, the symptoms of the plague and learn about what happened in the village of Eyam.


During our Computing lessons this half term, the children will be learning more about Coding using 2Code on Purple Mash. We will learn that an algorithm is a set of instructions and create programs that use collision detection, a timer, different object types and buttons.


For our Design and Technology project this half term, we will be designing and making our own hand puppets thinking about different joining techniques that could be used and different ways to decorate them.


In R.E. we will consider 'What can we learn from sacred books?' This half term we will be exploring the idea of holy books and exploring who the Bible is important to, what it teaches them and exploring some stories from the Bible.


In P.S.H.E. our focus this half term will be 'new beginnings'. We will be thinking about what it means to belong to a community and making others feel welcome. We will also be thinking about our strengths and areas for development.  In addition to this we will be exploring our class rights and responsibilities.


Homework, usually English, Maths and spellings will be given out on a Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Please read with your child regularly and record this in their reading record, it is part of their weekly homework. Spellings will be tested every Friday.

PE sessions will be gymnastics indoors on Thursday afternoons and multi-skills outdoors on Tuesday afternoons; a suitable kit is needed for these lessons. If children have their ears pierced, it would be preferable if they could leave their earrings at home on P.E. days. If not, they must be able to remove their earrings themselves and are responsible for putting them somewhere safe.
