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Spring 1

We are celebrating Chinese New Year this week (23rd to 27th Jan). We tasted a Chinese fruit called a 'crystal pear'. Mrs Ho (who is from Hong Kong) taught us how to say 'Happy New Year' in Cantonese. We learnt a song about this. A kind mummy of one of our children (who is originally from Shanghai), very kindly made Chinese dumplings. We will be trying noodles and another type of Chinese fruit. We are making lanterns and learning positional language of 'top' and 'bottom'. We are learning how to use a tape dispenser and stapler safely and learning how to turn 2 shorter strips of card into 1 longer strip of card (maths vocab 'shorter' 'longer'). Whilst making our lantern, we are consolidating what a circle is and looking at turning a flat piece of tissue paper into a 'cylinder'. We are also learning the word 'label and 'writing' our name, so we know which lantern belongs to who. We are going to use maths vocab and make a repeating 'ABAB' pattern when we make our class dragon. We will use 'British Values' when we vote democratically for our class dragon's name.

Working as a team.

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Exploring sound.

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What happens to polar bears.

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This child is using her knowledge of ecology, physics and the biology (food chain). She explains how ice melts and how this impacts on polar bears and 'black and white whales'.

How to support your child with mathematical patterns


Please read the text below and the Word document. Then please create an ABABA pattern with your child using any objects you have at home, photograph and send to my email

by Wednesday 1st Feb. I can then use this in your child's ongoing assessment.

Thank you.


Firstly, why is pattern important for your child's mathematical development?


Patterns are central to maths and children have an instinctive idea of patterns.


Research shows that children’s ability to see patterns forms the basis of early mathematical thinking. When you teach children to become aware of patterns, they will build up the skill of spotting patterns for themselves, they will see how patterns change and notice irregularities.


Pattern awareness can vary significantly between children of Nursery age. Early patterning begins with matching one-to-one with objects, pictures or numbers.


Patterning supports the foundations for recall of the counting sequence and understanding number operations.

Learning about patterns and connections will help children to make their own predictions and form logical connections. It’s an important foundation for later mathematical thinking and reasoning.



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Musical statues at our Chinese New Year party.

Mathematics homework 20/1/23


It is important your child understands the 'cardinal counting principle' (that the last number counted represents the overall amount in the group). Using the 5 frame from last week if possible, (but if you do not have it, it is okay), get a teddy or soft toy of your choice and act out asking a teddy to give you five cakes/biscuits/sweets,  and then make the teddy count out four cakes, saying ‘one, two, three, four’, then declare ‘there you are—five cakes’. See if your child can see this is NOT 5 cakes/sweets/biscuits/apples etc.

Repeat this with differing amount up to 5 and, if you wish, up to 10 if you feel your child is ready. It is important your child understand using numbers to 5 initially, as this is the foundation stone of their counting (because we use base 10 in the West, and 5 is a handy half of this).

Repeat with different objects, eg nail varnishes, dinosaurs, forks, pasta shapes etc


Literacy and Phonics homework  20/1/23

We have been looking at 'environmental sounds' in phonics and being able to discriminate the difference between different sounds. We have also been practising joining in with familiar phrases in familiar texts, as recommended by the DfE in their document 'The Reading Framework-  teaching the foundations of literacy' '

The text we have been focusing on is 'Peace At Last' by Jill Murphy.

It can be accessed below, if you do not have the text:


Flying a ‘kite’.

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As it was a very windy day, we used it as a learning opportunity. The activity above may look like your child is ‘just’ having fun, but in fact they are learning basic physics through exploration and play. They are learning:
that ‘lift’ force of the wind, the downward pull of gravity and air resistance ( drag). Of course, the children do not know the force names yet but they are learning the ‘how’ of these forces. At the end of the clip, a child says ' mine's not flying.' I asked 'Why do you think that is?'
He replied 'The wind has stopped.' We had a back and forth chat about what was needed for the kite to fly and how we could solve the problem if we gave the kite 'lift' and that it would drop down when the 'lift' force had gone.


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Maths with a 5 frame

ShREC approach to communication and language

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In Nursery, we use a Communication and Language approach called ‘ShREC. This is ‘Share, Respond, Expand, Conversation'. This approach consolidates language your child already knows and models correct syntax and semantics. Below is a clip of this approach up to 'conversation' (filming stopped so we could chat properly- this how children learn the 'back and forth' of conversation).
Semantic knowledge- 'transparent' 'scoop' 'cone'
Syntax and grammar- sentence structure - present tense of regular verb 'scoop' into 'scooping'