Your teacher is Miss Rushton and our teaching assistant is Mrs Williams.
Summer 2
Year 3 dressed up as heroes and superheroes for Children In Need.
Year 3 dressed up as book characters in Book Week.
In English lessons this half term, we will be reading 'The Wind in the Willows.' We will write our own play scripts, descriptions and letters linked to the story.
In Maths, we will apply the different calculation methods we have learnt to solving word problems. We will identify lines of symmetry in shapes and sketch reflections of simple shapes in a mirror. We will use and compare mixed units of length, weight and capacity.
In our History topic, we will build on what we have learnt about the Stone Age and find out about life in the Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will think about reasons why Stonehenge might have been built and try to solve the mystery of the 52 skeletons found at Maiden Castle.
We will be learning about plants in Science this half term. We will plant our own seeds and monitor their growth. We will conduct experiments to identify the conditions that are best for growing plants. Finally, we will learn about the stages in the life cycle of a flowering plant.
In our Computing lessons, we will be creating our own films using iMovie about life in Year 3. We will show them to Year 2 children to help with their transition into the Juniors.
This half term, in DT, we will be designing and making bread rolls.
In R.E., the children will continue to learn about Hindu worship. We will learn about some of the different gods and goddesses and the main Hindu festivals.
You need an outdoor P.E. kit for athletics lessons with Miss George on a Tuesday and for Rounders on a Wednesday. Homework is given out every Friday, to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Spellings and Times Tables tests are on a Friday- don't forget to practise! Please make sure you have a pen and pencil for all lessons. Don't forget to try and read every day to an adult and fill it in in your reading record.