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Letters to Parents. Spring 2

Well Green Primary School

This half term (Spring 2), Year Four will be learning about the following topics:


A range of grammar work including using commas ins sentences, especially after fronted adverbials. Further Punctuation work focusing on apostrophes for possession and different spelling strategies for plurals. The children will also create Big writing pieces linking to our Treasure Island work with traditional stories in pop-up books, designed for as younger audience.  We will also create information texts about Stanton-in Peak.
Numeracy The children will be solving real life word problems. Reading and interpreting scales. Using metric measurements. Recognise & use standard metric units of measure. Recognise equivalent fractions & the equivalence between fractions & decimals. Find fractions of numbers. Solve problems & puzzles. Data handling, collecting data & representing it using graphs. Time work.

We will be learning about how sound is made through vibration affecting volume and pitch and patterns of vibration and loudness of sound. We will think about simple musical instruments and how we can create different sounds.

ICT In our ICT lessons, we will learn about sending messages safely and communicating using ICT. We will consider the E-Safety implications of this form of communication. The children will learn about using the Spell checker.
Geography In our Geography topic, we will study a contrasting UK rural locality. We will compare the village of Stanton in Peak with our local area and visit the location to develop fieldwork skills.
Art Linked to our school Book Week, we will be creating our own pop-up books with illustrations and 3D effects for illustrating our fairy stories for a younger audience. We will also develop our observational sketching skills in our field trips.
P.E. Outdoor hockey.
Gymnastics with coach from ACA.
Music The children will be developing their knowledge of composition and sound colours with Mrs Cooper.
R.E. Why is Easter important for Christians?
Study the Easter Story and what Christians believe happened with Mrs Webb.
P.S.H.E. & Citizenship Good to be ME!
Recognise strengths & weaknesses & how to deal with these. Dealing with disappointment. Strategies for calming down. Being assertive.
Homework, usually Literacy, Numeracy and any spelling/multiplication tables will be given out on a Friday to be handed in by the following Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. Please read with your child regularly and record this in their reading record, it is part of their weekly homework.
(Times tables/spelling test every Friday).
The outdoor games sessions will be on Thursday mornings (a suitable outdoor kit is needed for these lessons. Please think about something suitable for the changeable weather).  The indoor gymnastics will be on Wednesday mornings.
Please can you also ensure your child has the correct equipment required for school: A blue cartridge pen with spare refills, pencil, ruler eraser and a glue-stick. They also require a named water bottle.
 If you have any concerns please don’t hesitate to come and see me.
Thank you for your continued support and co-operation.
Mrs Ryan.