Home Page



Welcome to our Nursery!

Our Nursery Teacher is Mrs. Parsons and our Teaching Assistants are: Miss. Crabtree, Mrs. Felton, Miss. George and Mrs. Lee


We are looking forward to working with you and getting to know your child.






Summer 2

This half term our 'Learning Challenge' is: 

'How do we get there?'


We hope you enjoy our weekly 'Nursery News' which will keep you updated about all the lovely activities happening in nursery, plus suggestions you may wish to try at home with your child. Your copy will be sent home every Friday.


You can help your child this half term by:​​​​​

  • Please remember sun cream and a sun hat should we be lucky enough to have warm, sunny weather

  • Please label packed lunches (full time children), bags and clothing. Remember Velcro and easy, pull on clothing allow your child to build up confidence and independence
  • Continue to develop toilet and dressing skills to enable longer teaching time
  • Enjoy spending at least ten minutes reading together every day. This helps your child develop social and emotional skills, strengthens their bond with you and helps them to grow into a confident, happy learner
  • Chat about weight, height, length and capacity. Count everything!
  • Tune into everyday sounds and discuss what you hear. Enjoy rhymes, playing/ making musical instruments, alliterative activities and listening to the first sound in simple words like, 'c-a-t'
  • Enjoy mark making with brushes and water, felt tip pens and paint
  • Please remember staff are always keen to discuss any concerns you may have. Please chat at the door or arrange an after school appointment
  • Please chat if you have any questions regarding your child’s personal next steps (from VIP week and Open Morning/ Evening)


We look forward to working with you.  Letters and website entries will provide details about exciting class and Early Years activities/ events.



Letters to Parents and Carers
Curriculum map
Summer Term
Spring Term
Autumn Term