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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Well Green Primary School offers excellent support for pupils with additional needs through QUALITY FIRST TEACHING, early identification of need and targeted support and intervention.

Our SEND Information Report and our SEND Policy, in line with the SEND Code of Practice (2015), are available below.  Feedback on both is gratefully received.


At Well Green Primary School, we have a teacher who is responsible for coordinating the SEND provision and that person is called the SENDCO. At present this person is Mrs Berry.


Mrs Berry works closely with the pupils, parents, teachers and teaching assistants to ensure effective provision for pupils needs.


If you have any worries about your child and would like to have a chat, please feel free to contact her via e-mail.


Please don’t worry if you or your child’s teacher thinks your child may have Special Educational Needs. There are lots of people in school who want to help and we will do all we can to make sure you and your child are happy here.

