Computing- Unit 5.5 Game Creator
This term's unit is to create your own game using the 2DIY3D tool.
This week, we will look at some existing games and be writing a review of one of the examples shown.
Task 1:
- Go on Purple Mash Homepage
- Click on Computing
- Click on 2DIY3D
- Scroll down to the row of Showcase Games: these are games made by children from other schools
- Play these games and decide which one you think is the best
- Go to your 2Dos and fill in the Computer Game Review task
- Send your review to me once you have filled it in
Task 2:
- Go on 2Do- 2DIY3D
- Click on My Simple Game
- Watch the video, Making a Game, (top left- small green triangle on film icon)
- Build a simple game as shown in the video- remember to save it!