Welcome to Year 6
Miss Burnham is the class teacher and Mrs Emery is the Teaching Assistant in Year Six and Mrs Sharma is supporting Year 6 this year too.
Summer 2
We will be doing lots of interesting lessons and activities over this term, with cookery, Sports' Week and preparations for the mock trial at the Magistrates' Court as well as planning for our production!
In English we will be doing work for writing moderation and assessment pieces based on North American wolves and formal writing. Drafting and editing skills to improve our written work based on feedback.
We will be reading ‘A Thousand and One Arabian Nights’ to link with our Islamic Civilisation work in history.
We will be reading Storm Breaker as our whole class guided reading text to unpick suspense and intrigue in the text.
We will also be focusing on speaking and listening objectives for our performance of
‘Pirates of the Curry Bean!’ and knowledge of play scripts to interpret stage directions and use drama skills.
We will develop our cross-curricular writing to write our geography and history topics.
In Maths, we will continue to focus on basic skills in Mental Arithmetic to develop mental and written calculation skills for the four operations. There will be consolidation of our work in year 6. Transition maths activities. Mental Arithmetic
Statistics work- studying climate data for North America to create tables and charts. Comparing temperature and rainfall ranges and means.
In geography this half term we will continue our work based on North America and the USA.
We will be mapping the states and countries and learning about the geographical significance of this part of the world. We will be using key mapping skills and compass directions and time zones to learn about the countries and states. We will study climate regions, tourist attractions, agriculture and industry patterns and the landscapes.
In History, we will be learning about the Islamic Civilisation in Baghdad in 900 AD. We will be finding out about the Prophet Mohammed and the influence and rise of Islam. The work will include considering why Baghdad was central in the Islamic Empire.
In science, we will continue to cover the topic ‘evolution and inheritance’ and begin to study the theory of Charles Darwin and how species have evolved, including a focus on dog breeds and inherited characteristics. We will be undertaking some science assessments this half term for teacher assessment of science knowledge and understanding.
In computing, Mrs Heywood will be covering lessons developing use of IPads for research and topic work on rivers. We will be working on a theme called ‘We Are Adventure Gamers' Children will further develop their programming skills using the text-based programming language of Python. They will develop and complete simple, text-based adventure games.
In RE we will be thinking about the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad linked to work in history in Summer 2 on Ancient Islamic Civilisations. We will be having a visit from Mrs Suleman for curriculum enhancement to develop knowledge and understanding of Islamic faith and practices.
In PSHE we will be working on our skills in debates and be able to present arguments for prosecution and defence in preparation for our mock trial in Manchester against another local school.
Homework, usually Maths, English and any spellings will be given out on a Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday at the latest. Please read regularly and record this in your reading record as it is an important part of your weekly homework. Guided reading will take place every Tuesday and you must have your book and record in school. The spelling test take place every Friday.
The outdoor games lessons will be on Mondays and Fridays and an outdoor kit is needed for these lessons. Please ensure that you have something suitable for all weathers. . Children who have earrings are asked to remove them and leave them at home on P.E. days or remove them and keep them safe themselves at school. If ears have been pierced recently the children are responsible covering their own earrings with tape.
Please can you also ensure your child has the correct equipment required for school. Your child will need a blue fibre tip pen with spares, pencil, sharpener, ruler, glue stick and eraser. They also require a named water bottle.
Key Dates: