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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 smiley

Your teacher is Mrs. Simon and your teaching

assistant is Mrs. Emery.

Spring 2

In English this half term, we will be reading ‘Treasure Island’ and will complete a range of writing tasks based on this book. We will write descriptions, narratives, diary entries and poems/sea shanties.

Our targets will be:

  • To use and punctuate direct speech
  • To know the grammatical difference between plural and possessive ‘s’
  • Use suffixes and understand how to add them
  • Drafting and improving written work
  • preparing poems to read aloud and to perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume and action
  • discussing words and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and imagination

identifying main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph and summarising these.


In Maths, we will be learning to convert between units of measurement including length, capacity and mass, reading the 12 and 24 hour clocks, and looking at symmetry and angles.

This half term our targets will be:

  • To convert between units of measurements
  • To convert between 12 and 24-hour clocks
  • To read the time to the nearest minute
  • To recognise lines of symmetry
  • To identify the properties of shapes
  • To identify and order angles

Solve time word problems


This term our Science topic is Sound. We will be learning about how sounds are made, recognise that vibrations from sounds travel through a medium to the ear, find patterns between the pitch of a sound and features of the object that produced it, find patterns between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it and recognise that sounds get fainter as the distance from the sound source increases.


Our Computing topic is ‘We are HTML editors’. We will learn about the history of the web and then study HTML. We will learn to edit and write HTML.


In Geography we will study a contrasting UK rural locality. We will compare the village of Castleton with our local area and visit the location to develop fieldwork skills.


In Art, we will be doing some printing and will be designing a healthy-eating place-mat, using our new printing skills.


For outdoor PE this half term we will be doing Tag Rugby with Altrincham Football Club. We will learn the skills and tactics of the game, as well as developing team-work skills. For indoor PE this term will be doing Dance.


Working with Mrs Cooper for Music, we will be learning about ‘Programme Music’ as well as preparing Easter/Spring songs for our end of term celebration.


With Mrs Oldham for R.E., the children will be exploring the question, ‘Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?’ This will link to the Easter story.


The theme for PSHE this half term is ‘Good to be me’. We will learn about recognising our strengths and weaknesses and how to deal with these. We will also explore dealing with disappointment, strategies for calming down and being assertive.


Our French topic is ‘Vive le sport!’  We will learn how to say what sports we do or do not do, when and how we do them.


General Messages



Homework, usually Maths, English, spelling and multiplication tables will be given out on a Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Please read with your child regularly and record this in their reading record as it is part of their weekly homework. Times tables and spelling test take place every Friday.


The outdoor games lessons are on Tuesdays. An outdoor kit is needed for these lessons. Please ensure that your child has something suitable for the colder weather. Indoor P.E. lessons are on Wednesdays. Children who have earrings are asked to remove them and leave them at home on P.E. days or remove them and keep them safe themselves at school. If ears have been pierced recently the children are responsible covering their own earrings with tape.


Please can you also ensure your child has the correct equipment required for school. Your child will need a blue fibre tip pen with spares, pencil, sharpener, ruler and eraser. Please try to avoid sending your child into school with unnecessary or bulky equipment, as this does become a distraction for them. They also require a named water bottle.
