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Year 6

Welcome to Year Six!

Your teacher is Mrs Bell.


Spring 1


In English we will be writing a range of different poetry, using the Geography topic of rivers for inspiration to use imagery in our work. The children will be writing non-fiction information reports and letters of complaint about river pollution and a poor restaurant experience. Grammar –adverbs and adverbial phrases, complex sentences, using more sophisticated punctuation marks including brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis. Spelling by syllabic parts, using rules and exceptions, homophones.


In Maths, we will be covering a range of number work based on ratio. We will explore the link between ratio and fractions, solve problems involving ratio and calculate scale factors. We will be learning to use and convert between both metric and imperial units of measure for length, mass and capacity. We will also be exploring the use of algebra: learning how to form expressions and equations, use formulae and solve equations.


In History this half term, we will be visiting Tatton Park to find out about life in service for young children working and living in our area. We will also learn about Victorian inventions and inventors, with a study of Lord Shaftsbury and philanthropists. We will learn about children in Victorian schools and how this varied for different groups of children in society and the impact of the reforms introduced.


In Geography this half term, we will be continuing to learn about rivers. We will consider the uses of rivers, how rivers can become polluted and the types and impacts of flooding. We will study the local River Bollin and River Mersey and the impact on human settlements nearby.

In Science, we will be returning to Biology this term and delving deeper into life processes and classification.  With this in mind, we will be exploring the works of Carl Linneaus and using classification systems for ourselves.  Further on in the half term we re-join our work in Chemistry and extend our knowledge of properties and change.

In Computing lessons, we will be focusing on Blogging. This unit of work uses the Purple Mash tool 2Blog and is designed to help children learn the basic principles of creating and maintaining a blog in a controlled and safe environment. We will also be discussing ways to keep ourselves safe online.


In Art, we will explore the work of different artists, focusing on understanding the narratives in art and exploring meaning behind paintings. We will develop our ability to interpret art work and generate our own ideas for a final piece drawing upon our inspiration and selecting appropriate tools and materials to create the desired effect.


In R.E. we will learn about what matters most to Christians and to Humanists. We will be learning in depth from Christianity and from humanism, a non-religious way of life. Through this, children will be exploring how we should care for others and the world and what we can learn from religion about deciding right and wrong.


Things to Remember:
Every day in school, you will need a water bottle and a pencil case with a pen, pencil, pencil crayons, ruler, rubber and sharpener inside.

P.E. in Year Six is on Tuesdays (outdoor) and Fridays (indoors), you must ensure you have your kit on these days please. However, the weather may start to be unpredictable and you should ensure your kit is suitable for the conditions.

Homework will always be handed out on Fridays and should be returned by the following
Wednesday. Each week you will have spellings to learn for a test on Fridays, plus Mental Arithmetic tests and English tasks to help you consolidate things we have been learning in class. 
