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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 

Class Teacher: Mrs Al-Hassani

Teaching Assistant: Ms Moorhouse

Summer second half term

In English we will be reading a non-fiction text about interesting buildings around the world and we will be reading our class text The Enormous Crocodile, Flying with Flittermouse and some poetry. We will continue to work on punctuating sentences with capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. We will be finishing off our learning of different spellings for sounds and we will be revising all the ones covered. We will also be continuing with early joins for handwriting




In Maths we will be covering place value and bridging for addition, we will be using vocabulary related to dates, days of the week and months of the year, we will revise number patterns and sequences and counting in steps of 2,5 and 10 from zero. We will be learning about money, capacity, mass and volume and we will be learning about position and direction.

Science: Plants  Everyday plants/deciduous and evergreen plants  Garden plants  Animals Common animals  Carnivores/herbivores/omnivores


This will be an introduction to spreadsheets. They will be thinking about what rows and columns are and they will learn how to save and open sheets. They will learn about entering data into cells and about adding images.


History will be about significant figures from history.


Geography will be  UK Geography – the different countries which make up the UK and their capitals, some of the major cities and places of interest.



Art /DT We will be making fruits salads and completing topic related art.


P.E: Outdoor games; explore basic skills of travelling, sending and receiving a medium ball. Games: developing basic game playing skills.


Music will be exploring making loud and quiet sounds.


R.E will be about Christian traditions such as Christening and Baptism and about Bible stories    


PHSRE: The children will be learning about life cycles and about baby animals and adult animals. They will be thinking about what they can do now that they couldn’t do when they were younger. So we will be talking about how they change as they get older.


French will be Simple responses to questions and joining in with French songs



