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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Your teacher is Mrs Bell and your teaching assistant is Ms Denny

Year 2 Christmas performance

Summer 1

In English we will be revising grammar concepts covered this year and practising our written comprehension skills. We will read ‘Flat Stanley’ and write postcards and newspaper reports linked to this. We will be reading the book ‘Never Tickle a Tiger’ and use this as a stimulus for writing our own descriptive list poems. Finally, we will read ‘The Tear Thief’ and create our own new characters and Tear Thief stories.


In Maths we will be learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. We will be revisiting calculation strategies and applying these to solve problems in real life contexts. We will also be developing our understanding of fractions and exploring shape and space further, including position and direction.


In Science for chemistry, we will be experimenting with changing the shape of solid objects and investigating whether materials are waterproof in order to design an item of clothing that would keep the wearer dry. In physics we will explore whether heavy and light things move differently and experiment with ways to block light from reaching our eyes. We will also learn about how the position of the sun can help us to know what time of day it is.


In our History topic, will be finding out about the life of Mary Seacole thinking about why she is a significant person and we will compare her experiences as a nurse to Florence Nightingale. We will also learn about Jethro Tull and his impact on the agricultural revolution.


In Geography, we will be learning about the country of Australia. We will explore its location and some physical and human features. We will learn about the lifestyle of the aboriginal people and compare it to people that live in a city like Sydney. We will also find out about some of the diverse wildlife that lives in Australia and the features of the Great Barrier Reef.


During our Computing lessons this half term, we will be using 2Sequence on Purple Mash to make music compositions. We will also learn how to present information in different ways using 2Quiz, 2Connect and 2Create a story.


In our Art lessons we will begin studying the work of the artist LS Lowry. The children will then be creating their own drawings and paintings in the style of Lowry.


In D.T. we will be designing and making a healthy sandwich linked to our work in Science on healthy eating.


In R.E. this half term we will be we will be exploring stories from different religions that teach us how we can care for each other and our world.


Mrs Grice will teach P.S.H.E. on a Friday afternoon with a focus this half term on exploring relationships.


Homework, usually English, Maths and spellings will be given out on a Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Please read with your child regularly and record this in their reading record, it is part of their weekly homework. Spellings will be tested every Friday.


PE sessions will be cricket skills outdoors on Monday mornings and athletics outdoors on Thursday afternoons; a suitable kit is needed for these lessons. If children have their ears pierced, please could they leave their earrings at home on P.E. days. If not, they must be able to remove their earrings themselves and are responsible for putting them somewhere safe.
