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Year 6

Welcome to Year Six!

Your teachers are Mrs Burnham and Mrs Oldham (Wednesday and Thursday afternoons)

Your teaching assistant is Mrs Emery


Summer 1


Key stage 2

The key stage 2 tests are timetabled from Monday 13th May to Friday 17th May 2024.

There is a timetable below showing the details of the tests being held in school for the week commencing 13th May for the Y6 children.

Please ensure children arrive in school promptly this week and have a good night’s sleep and good breakfast to enable them to achieve their very best during these external exams.

Results of the tests will be published in July and will be reported to parents in the end-of-year reports.



Monday 13th May

English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions

45 mins

English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 2: spelling

15 mins

Tuesday 14th May

English reading

1 hour


Wednesday 15th May

Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic

30 mins

Mathematics Paper 2: reasoning

40 mins

Thursday 16th May

Mathematics Paper 3: reasoning

40 mins



Friday 17th May        Internal writing assessment tasks


In English, we will be writing a suspense story about Michael on a desert island; descriptive about favourite meal; newspaper article about Michael’s disappearance and non-fiction information text about wolves from North America.

Reading- comprehension skills and revision of question types for tests (fact/ opinion and true/ false) and 3 mark answers with PEE (point, evidence and explain)

Grammatical terminology, syntax and punctuation rules and their application in preparation for the SPAG test.

Spelling: Revision of key word list for Y3/4 and Y5/6

consolidation of spelling rules, using known root words, prefixes and suffixes.


In Maths, we will be covering: revision of formal written and mental calculation methods for +, -, x & ÷.

Shape and geometry for properties of 2D/3D shapes with Mrs Burnham.

Statistics and data handling - extracting information from tables, pie charts, bar charts and line graphs to solve problems with Mrs Oldham.

Position and direction, coordinates in all four quadrants for translation, reflection and plotting. Revision of all areas and reasoning skills.


In History, the children will begin to study the Ancient Islamic civilisation of Baghdad and the golden age of Islam. They will map the empire and the spread of this and learn about the daily life at this time. The lessons will include a focus on the House of Wisdom, The Silk Road, geometry and calligraphy.


In Geography, we will begin our work in Geography based on North America and the USA.

We will be mapping the states and countries and learning about the geographical significance of this part of the world. We will study climate regions, tourist attractions, agriculture and industry patterns and the landscapes.

In science, this half term we will also begin to cover the topic ‘evolution and inheritance’ and begin to study the theory of Charles Darwin and how species have evolved, including a focus on dog breeds and inherited characteristics. We will explain the similarities and differences between the process of reproduction in plants and animals and catagorise differences in living things and their offspring.   We will explore the structure of the heart and investigate the effect of exercise on pulse rate.  We will explain the possible effects of too much sugar in the diet on how the human body functions.  Then we will begin Chemistry experimenting with ways to separate pebbles and silt in a solution of salt.


In computing,  we will be working with Mrs Oldham focusing on ‘Text Adventures’. We will plan and create a story-based adventure in 2Create a Story. We will contrast a map-based game with a sequential story-based game. Also, we will learn to create our own text-based adventure based upon a map. Use of, My Maths and BBC revise wise websites for revision purposes.


In Art, we will complete work on textiles and collage materials to create work based on our river topic using a range of mediums and materials for interest. We will use colours and texture to develop our work and weaving materials into hessian for tone.

In DT, we will be making electrical products using circuits and switches to create functioning burglar alarms and wire hoop games.


In R.E., the children will focus

Beliefs and Practices

Islam and Humanism

The life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad linked to work in history in Summer 2 on Ancient Islamic Civilisations

Visit for curriculum enhancement to develop knowledge and understanding of Islamic faith and practices



We will have a focus on Relationships:

-Knowing myself, understanding & managing my feelings, understanding the feelings of others, developing social skills and making choices

Safe & Healthy Relationships:

- Do gender stereotypes have an impact on our behaviour?

Our British Values focus for this half term is tolerance.

SE week commencing 20th May

Sex and education

Lessons will focus on the Y6 content for SE

Scientific names for male and female reproductive systems

Understand how a baby is conceived, develops and is born




Things to Remember:

Every day in school, you will need a water bottle and a pencil case with a pen, pencil, pencil crayons, ruler, rubber and sharpener inside.

P.E. in Year Six is on Mondays (cricket) and Fridays (orienteering), you must ensure you have your kit on these days please. However, the weather may start to be unpredictable and you should ensure your kit is suitable for the conditions.

Homework will always be handed out on Fridays and should be returned by the following
Wednesday. Each week you will have spellings to learn for a test on Fridays, plus Mental Arithmetic tests and English tasks to help you consolidate things we have been learning in class. We will be completing weekly Mental Arithmetic tests in class every Thursday.
