Welcome to Year Six!
Your teachers are Mrs Burnham and Mrs Oldham (Wednesday and Thursday afternoons)
Your teaching assistant is Mrs Emery
Summer 2
Key Dates:
In English, we will be completing writing moderation and assessment pieces based on North American wolves and writing dialogue to advance action. Drafting and editing skills to improve our written work based on feedback in writing interviews.
We will be reading ‘A Thousand and One Arabian Nights’ to link with our Islamic Civilisation work in history.
We will be reading Storm Breaker as our whole class guided reading text to unpick suspense and intrigue in the text.
We will also be focusing on speaking and listening objectives for our performance of
‘Pirates of the Curry Bean!’ and knowledge of play scripts to interpret stage directions and use drama skills.
We will develop our cross-curricular writing to write our geography and history topics.
In Maths, we will be covering: consolidation of our work in year 6. Transition maths activities. Mental Arithmetic
Statistics work- studying climate data for North America to create tables and charts. Comparing temperature and rainfall ranges and means.
In History, the children will begin to study the Ancient Islamic civilisation of Baghdad and the golden age of Islam. They will map the empire and the spread of this and learn about the daily life at this time. The lessons will include a focus on the House of Wisdom, The Silk Road, geometry and calligraphy.
In Geography, we will begin our work in Geography based on North America and the USA.
We will be mapping the states and countries and learning about the geographical significance of this part of the world. We will study climate regions, tourist attractions, agriculture and industry patterns and the landscapes.
In science, this half term we will focus on the structure of the heart and the eyes. We will then look at Chemistry and experiment with ways to separate pebbles and silt in a solution of salt and categorise changes as reversible or not reversible. We will experiment with making plaster of Paris moulds. In Physics we will look at drag forces and apply our knowledge of forces and movement to make a working mechanism. Applying our knowledge of gravity we will investigate why the Sun, Earth and Moon are almost spherical., explain why shadows are ‘longer’ in the winter and ‘shorter’ in the summer and demonstrate how and why a sundial, used to tell the time, works. We will investigate electrical components and explain and demonstrate the pattern between the volume of a sound and the strength of the vibrations that produced it.
In computing, we will be working with Mrs Oldham creating presentations and sound work for our performance. We are Network Technicians
Children will use activities away from computers to develop their understanding of networks, how digitisation occurs, how the internet works and exploring the school’s network infrastructure
In Art, we will complete work for our end of year production to create props and staging scenery.
In DT, we will be making electrical products using circuits and switches to create functioning burglar alarms and wire hoop games. This half term, the children will be creating a balanced and healthy simple meal using cookery skills. They will be chopping, slicing, dicing, sautéing and cubing vegetables in this process. We will focus on designing and making our own version of a healthy vegetable chili.
In R.E., the children will focus on continuing exploring the beliefs and traditions of Islam, we will explore Eid celebrations and the rituals of Wudu and prayer and exploring the meaning of humanism and children will have a chance to create an original piece of art work to enter the NATRE Spirited Arts Competition.
We will visit a mosque as a place of worship.
The life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad linked to work in history in Summer 2 on Ancient Islamic Civilisations
Visit for curriculum enhancement to develop knowledge and understanding of Islamic faith and practices
In PSRHE, as part of our British Values work on democracy, we will be taking part in an exciting project this half term linked to our work earlier in the year about the magistrates and their role in the community.
We have been invited to attend a mock trial with the magistrates and will be doing extensive work to prepare for the court room scene and undertaking prosecution and defence roles in the trial.
Conquering goals- Robinwood team activities
As part of our SEAL work, we will focus on changes as we will be preparing for transition and secondary school routines.
We will be learning about puberty as part of our statutory PSHRE curriculum, including changes to the adolescent body and menstruation.
Things to Remember:
Every day in school, you will need a water bottle and a pencil case with a pen, pencil, pencil crayons, ruler, rubber and sharpener inside.
P.E. in Year Six is on Mondays (athletics) and Fridays (rounders), you must ensure you have your kit on these days please. However, the weather may be good and we may do additional sessions for Sport's week so please have your kit daily.
Homework will always be handed out on Fridays and should be returned by the following
Wednesday. Each week you will have spellings to learn for a test on Fridays, plus Mental Arithmetic tests and English tasks to help you consolidate things we have been learning in class. We will be completing weekly Mental Arithmetic tests in class every Thursday.