Welcome to the Nursery!
A big hello from Mrs Richmond, Mrs Parsons, Miss Crabtree, Mrs Williams and Miss Lamb! We hope you enjoy sharing some of the information about what your child has been doing in our Nursery.
This half term (Summer 2) we will be thinking about our new topic, "How do we get there?"
We will also be reminding the children of the routines both inside and outside the nursery.
We are continually developing an outdoor minibeast hotel. We would be grateful of any donations to enhance this such as hollow sticks eg (bamboo), seed heads, seeds, bulbs or plants. If you would like to come in and help further develop our garden area please send a note to Mrs Parsons. Thank you.
We are looking forward to our trip to Stockley Farm on Thursday 10th July and have been busy talking about the animals we might see.
We hope you will be able to join us for our curriculum afternoon on Thursday 17th July from 2pm until 3pm. More information will follow shortly. Don't wear your best clothes as there will be some fun and messy activities!!!
Can we also please ask that as the weather is so changeable at the moment, children arrive for their nursery session dressed in appropriate footwear and a manageable coat. Please can you continue to teach your child to fasten their coats independently, and remember they will need you to apply suncream in the good weather before attending their nursery session. please also ensure they bring a sunhat to protect them when playing outdoors.
Thank you for your continued support with sending in Nursery snack fund promptly. The children have been trying new things for snack including, raisin bread, toast and crumpets, as well as our daily fruit selection. They have also enjoyed preparing and tasting porridge and pancakes and can't wait to see what they will try next! This week we have been busy making and enjoying pizza. Click on the pictures below to see the children in action.