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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Our teacher is Mrs Dean

Our Classroom Assistant is Mrs Williams


Summer 2


Year 4

In English this term we will continue to build on our knowledge of various spelling patterns. We will develop our understanding and use of pronouns as well as consolidating our knowledge and identification of the different parts of speech and sentence structure. We will read play scripts, identify their features and then write and perform our own. We will also read, rehearse and perform poetry and then write our own about habitats, linked to Science


In Maththis term we will develop our knowledge of decimals by comparing decimals with 2 decimal places as well as rounding and ordering. We will continue our work on fractions in particular, equivalent fractions. We will also estimate proportion. We will develop our measuring accuracy and recording techniques and converting between units. We will work on our skills drawing and labelling axes, plotting points and completing shapes. We will improve accuracy when reading time to 1 minute, complete time problems and converting between 12 and 24 hour clock .


We will be looking We will be studying ‘Ancient Egyptians’ in History. We will be locating Egypt and investigating the significance of the Nile to the Ancient Egypt. We will also investigate Tutankhamen, the pyramids and what we can learn from artefacts. 


In Science is ‘Habitats and Living Things’. The children will learn that living things can be grouped in a variety of ways, explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in the local and wider environment. They will recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.


Our topic in Computing this half term is ‘We are Musicians’. We will use a program to edit music, create and develop a composition and develop an awareness of how compositions can enhance work.


In Design and Technology this half term we will be designing and making a healthy snack. This work will support our Science topic.


In R.E. we will be continue to learn about 'Following a Christian way of life'. The children will earn about how famous Christians have led their lives, for example Mother Teresa.


PE days this half term are Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. Please ensure the correct kit is in school, including clothing that is suitable for outdoor P.E.


Please ensure that you have a pencil case containing blue fibre tip pens, pencils, sharpener, eraser and a glue stick.


Homework is given out on Fridays and is to be returned on the following Wednesday. Spellings and times tables tests take place on Fridays.

