Spring 1
Class Teacher:- Mrs Al-Hassani
Teaching Assistants:- Ms Moorhouse and Mrs Kays
In English our focus will be reading and writing reports; revising reading and spelling the High Frequency Words and revision of Phase 3 and 4 phonemes; Phase 5 Letters and Sounds. We will be working on using full stops and capital letters and for the present and past tenses. We will also be reading fiction – Rock a Doodle and The Snail and the Whale and we will be working on characterisation and story plots/ themes.
In Maths we will .be covering further addition and subtraction of numbers to 20. We will be adding by counting on from the largest number and subtracting by counting back from the largest number. We will be recognising 2D and 3D shapes and we will be measuring using non-standard measures. We will be using number lines and ten frames as different strategies for addition and subtraction
In ICT :- .Following and creating instructions on the computer
History and Geography:- History is about transport now and in the past. Geography is focused on hot and cold places around the world.
Art : Mixing primary colours to create secondary colours and and topic related art.
P.E:- Dance and games
Music:- Musical Vocabulary: Under the Sea Exploring key musical vocabulary, through making visits to underwater worlds and a coral reef. Listening and moving to different types of sea themed music. |
R.E: - Who is a Muslim and what do they believe?
PHSE:- Choices and feelings: begin to manage feelings positively; make simple choices; respect other people’s feelings and opinions.
French:- Counting, colours, animal names and simple rhymes.