Phonics: Sing some action songs, such as The Grand Old Duke Of York and Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush. Remember to match actions to the lyrics. Now try to play some percussion instruments (if you have any) or use your home made shakers. Try to articulate words carefully and keep in time with the beat.
Maths: Capacity- find a variety of containers, transparent ones would be ideal but not essential. Encourage your child to fill each container using capacity vocabulary, such as: 'full', 'half full' and 'empty'. Try using different items to fill up the containers: dried lentils, dried beans or buttons. Repeat capacity vocabulary during bath- time, can your child say the words as well as understand them?
Other Learning: Please use your login details to access the Oxford Owl eBook library. Spend time chatting about the illustrations and characters. Can your child predict what may happen in the story?
Healthy Food: Talk about food which helps you to grow and have energy. Focus on careful teeth cleaning too.