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Maths- complete a page of varied fluency (VF) and a page of reasoning/problem solving (RPS) questions at a level of your choosing.


Plan and write the first draft of your own version of Valerie Bloom's poem called 'The River'. Write 5 verses of your own following the same structure as Valerie Bloom's poem. The PowerPoint explains the task further and we will discuss and generate ideas during the Zoom session.


Complete the work on New Year's Resolutions, reflecting on last year and setting goals for the year ahead. You can use the writing frame provided and stick it into your topic book or you can write the different sections straight into your topic book.


TASK: Think about the ways that we make rules or principles to help us to be good. What rules or principles do you think make most people happy?

Suggest one rule for people to follow if they want a happier world, and make a beautifully lettered ‘rule card’ out if it. Write a short paragraph in your books explaining how you think this rule would make a happier world.
