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After School Activities SUMMER 1 2023-24

Eco Committee

(Referred to as the 'Eco Warriors')

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Act as an ambassador for the school both in school and out
  • Develop eco initiatives that help to improve our school and local environment including recycling, saving energy and sustainability
  • Promote and encourage the whole school including pupils, staff and parents to take part in our eco-programmes
  • Regularly update the school website with eco news and updates
  • Use the Eco display to promote understanding and provide talking points for the whole school community
  • Make links with the community to find ways of helping the school and pupils be more eco-friendly

Trees for shade and habitat/ food for the birds.

Litter Collection and Analysis 2019

Hedgehog book sculpture

Still image for this video

School Motto in action!

Sustainability in school grounds and corridor
