Welcome to Year Six!
Your Teacher is Mrs Bell and Mrs Emery is our Teaching Assistant.
Year 6 on their last sports day at Well Green!
Victorian Day
Summer 2
In English, we will write an assessment piece based on North American wolves. We will continue to practise our drafting and editing skills to improve our written work based on feedback.
We will be reading Storm Breaker as our whole class guided reading text to unpick suspense and intrigue in the text. We will also be focusing on speaking and listening objectives for our performance of ‘Peter Pan’ and knowledge of play scripts to interpret stage directions and use drama skills. We will develop our cross-curricular writing in our geography topic.
In Maths, we will be consolidating our work in year 6 and complete transition maths activities.
We will also cover some statistics work- studying climate data for North America to create tables and charts, comparing temperature and rainfall ranges and means.
In Geography, we will be learning about North America and the USA. We will be mapping the states and countries and learning about the geographical significance of this part of the world. We will study climate regions, tourist attractions, agriculture and industry patterns and the landscapes.
In Science, we will focus on learning more about evolution and inheritance. We will study the theory of Charles Darwin and how species have evolved, including a focus on dog breeds and inherited characteristics.
In Computing lessons this half-term, our unit on Purple Mash is all about quizzing. We will learn how to make different types of quizzes using different programs, such as 2Quiz, 2DIY and 2Investigate.
In DT, the children will be creating a balanced and healthy simple meal using cookery skills. They will be chopping, slicing, dicing, sautéing and cubing vegetables in this process. We will focus on designing and making our own version of a healthy lasagne.
We will create art work based on the theme of North America, using printing techniques for city landscapes.
In R.E. the children will continue to explore the beliefs and traditions of Islam, we will explore Eid celebrations and the rituals of Wudu and prayer and exploring the meaning of humanism.
Things to Remember:
Every day in school, you will need a water bottle and a pencil case with a pen, pencil, pencil crayons, ruler, rubber and sharpener inside.
P.E. in Year Six is on Tuesdays and Fridays, you must ensure you have your kit on these days please. However, the weather may start to be unpredictable and you should ensure your kit is suitable for the conditions.
Homework will always be handed out on Fridays and should be returned by the following
Wednesday. Each week you will have spellings to learn for a test on Friday, plus Mental Arithmetic tests and English tasks to help you consolidate things we have been learning in class. We will be completing weekly Mental Arithmetic tests in class every Thursday.