Watch the videos to help with your learning. The worksheets can be found below.
Tuesday- finding a half:
Wednesday- finding a quarter:
Thursday- finding a third:
Friday- finding three quarters:
Tuesday- Complete the practise SATs style comprehension paper
- Read chapter 1 of Flat Stanley
Wednesday- Use the PowerPoint presentations to help you to practise this week's spelling pattern and complete the questions from the sheet.
- Read chapter 2 of Flat Stanley
Thursday- design a new book cover for Flat Stanley. Write your own blurb on the back, draw your own picture and colour it all in!
- Read chapter 3 of Flat Stanley
Friday- use more interesting adjectives by re-writing the sentences and replacing the ones used in the sentences with more exciting adjectives. You could add extra ones in too to make the sentences even more interesting!
Read the information sheet, pick out key facts and write your own sentences to summarise the landscape and climate in Africa then compare it to the U.K.
Use the PowerPoint to remind you about what happens at a Mosque. Pick out some important facts about what happens there to write your own visitor's guide for a Mosque.