Home Page

Year 6

Your Teacher is Miss Burnham and Mrs Emery is our Teaching Assistant this year.

On this page you will find lots of information about things we will be learning and pictures of us in school.

Key Dates:

  • Thursday 11th June Key Stage 2 50th celebration assembly (am and pm)
  • Friday 12th June 50th Party lunch (own clothes- 1960s themed) and Summer BBQ
  • 15-17th June Robinwood
  • 19th June Green Day
  • Friday 26th June Sport’s Day
  • Wednesday 8th July Cinderella Rockefeller performance
  • Thursday 9th July Y6 Cinderella Rockefeller performance
  • Friday 10th July- Reports go home with SATs results
  • Monday 13th July Crucial Crew visit
  • Thursday 16th July open evening
  • Tuesday 21st July Leaver’s Assembly (am)
  • Thursday 23rd July –final day of term

This half term our Geography topic is learning about North America, we will be learning lots of interesting geographical facts about the United States of America and how we can locate countries and places- to consolidate our mapping work. We will learn in more detail about climate regions, the states, the economic links and major cities. You will undertake research into an aspect of interest to you, creating tourist information booklets.

In History, we will be learning about the Golden Age of Islam and Baghdad in 900 AD. We will look at the Prophet Muhammad and the rise of Baghdad in the Islamic Empire. We will create meals based on Middle Eastern food, linking with this work in Design Technology.

In Science, we will be learning about the evolution and inheritance in biology. We will learn about fossils, evolution of humans through the various stages alongside inherited characteristics. We will build on our prior work based on Darwin's theory and how adaptations have led to evolution.

We will be using our shiny new IPads to support our topic work wherever possible.

Things to Remember:

You will need a water bottle, pen and reading book (and record!) with you in school every day.

P.E. in Year Six is on Wednesdays (Games- netball) and Thursdays (Dance), you must ensure you have your kit on these days please. However, the weather may start to be unpredictable and you should ensure your kit is suitable for the conditions.

Homework will always be handed out on Fridays and should be returned by the following
Wednesday. Each week you will have spellings to learn for a test on Friday, plus Mental Arithmetic tests and English tasks to help you consolidate things we have been learning in class. We will be completing weekly Mental Arithmetic tests in class every Thursday.

This term, we will be completing additional science weekly homework, allowing us to consolidate our knowledge and revise key concepts we have covered.

There are also letters and information sheets for your parents to download at the bottom of the page.

Year 6 DT/Cookery day


The children enjoyed preparing and cooking an exciting Middle Eastern menu to support our topic work.  You can see a range of skills in action here.  Well done to everyone!



Year 6 had an amazing time at Robinwood!  All the children had a go at every activity with great enthusiasm.  We scaled the heights of the climbing walls; crawled through pitch black caves; threw ourselves into the water during the stream walk and got covered in mud along the way!  Take a look at the pictures here.
