Welcome to Year 4!
Your teacher is Mrs Ryan and our teaching assistant is Mrs Williams.

On this page you will find lots of information about things we will be learning and pictures of us in school.
Summer 1
It's quite a short half term but we will do our best to pack in as much learning as we can. THe children have enjoyed Treasure Island so much that we will continue to base some of our Literacy on this great classic.
In Science we will be learning about healthy livestyles. We will consider the effects of diet, smoking, exercise and drugs.
Our Geography topic is about the European Union. We will use maps to identify and locate various European countries. We will also think about why this Union was set up and what the advantages/disadvantages are.
Mrs Webb will be teaching Dance based on an electrical theme and Miss George will help the children to develop their ball skills by teaching them tennis.
P.E. in Year Four is on Wednesdays (outdoors) and Thursdays (Indoors), you must ensure you have your kit on these days please. However, the weather may start to be unpredictable and you should ensure your kit is suitable for the conditions.
Homework will always be handed out on Fridays and should be returned by the following Wednesday at the latest. Each week you will have spellings to learn for a test on Friday, plus Mental Arithmetic tests, English tasks and topic work to help you consolidate things we have been learning in class.
There are also letters and information sheets for your parents to download at the bottom of the page.