Home Page

Year 6

Welcome to Year Six! Miss Burnham is your teacher this year and Mrs Emery is our Teaching Assistant.


On this page you will find lots of information about things we will be learning and pictures of us in school.


Summer 2


We will be doing lots of interesting lessons and activities this final term!


In English we will be reading ‘A Thousand and One Arabian Nights’ to link with our Islamic Civilisation work in history.

We will be reading Storm Breaker as our whole class guided reading text to unpick suspense and intrigue in the text.

We will also be focusing on speaking and listening objectives for our performance of

‘Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies!’ and knowledge of play scripts to interpret stage directions and use drama skills.

We will develop our cross-curricular writing to write our geography and history topics.



In Maths, we will continue to focus on basic skills in Mental Arithmetic to develop mental and written calculation skills for the four operations. There will be consolidation of our work in year 6. Transition maths activities. Mental Arithmetic

Statistics work- studying climate data for North America to create tables and charts. Comparing temperature and rainfall ranges and means.


In Geography this half term we will continue our work in Geography based on North America and the USA.

We will be mapping the states and countries and learning about the geographical significance of this part of the world. We will study climate regions, tourist attractions, agriculture and industry patterns and the landscapes.


In History, we will be learning about the Islamic Civilisation in Baghdad in 900 AD. We will be finding out about the Prophet Mohammed and the influence and rise of Islam. The work will include considering why Baghdad was central in the Islamic Empire.



In science, we will continue to cover the topic ‘evolution and inheritance’ and begin to study the theory of Charles Darwin and how species have evolved, including a focus on dog breeds and inherited characteristics.

We will be undertaking some science assessments this half term for teacher assessment of science knowledge and understanding.


In computing, Mrs Heywood will be covering lessons developing use of IPads for research and topic work on rivers. We will be working on a theme calledWe Are Adventure Gamers'

Children will further develop their programming skills using the text-based programming language of Python. They will develop and complete simple, text-based adventure games.


 In RE The children will focus on

Beliefs and Practices

Islam and Humanism

The life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad linked to work in history in Summer 2 on Ancient Islamic Civilisations

Visit to Islamic Cultural Centre in Hale for curriculum enhancement to develop knowledge and understanding of Islamic faith



In PSHE we will be working on our skills in debates and be able to present arguments for prosecution and defence in preparation for our mock trial in Manchester against another local school.



Please see the key dates reminders:


  • 19-21st June Robinwood

  • 23rd June Green Day

  • Monday 26th June Sports’ Week

  • Friday 30th June- Mock Trial with Magistrates in Manchester

  • Friday 30th June Sport’s Day afternoon (after trial)

  • Friday 7th July Summer Fair 6-8pm.

  • Wednesday 12th July Y6 leaver’s performance of Aladdin 1.30 pm afternoon

  • Thursday 13thh July Y6 leaver’s performance of Aladdin 6.30 pm evening

  • Friday 14th July- International Day

  • Monday 17th July Open morning/afternoon in school. 9-10 am and 3.30-4.30 pm.

  • Tuesday 18th July – Leaver’s Disco 6-7.30 pm

  • Thursday 20th July Leaver’s Assembly (am 9.15)

  • Friday 21st July –final day of term.


Things to Remember:

You will need a water bottle, pen, glue stick and reading book (and record!) with you in school every day and a whiteboard pen.

P.E. in Year Six is on Mondays (PE- cricket) and Wednesdays (outdoor athletics), you must ensure you have your kit on these days please. However, we will be doing additional practise for Sport's Day and you must ensure your kit is in school every day.

Homework will always be handed out on Fridays and should be returned by the following
Wednesday. Each week you will have spellings to learn for a test on Friday, plus Mental Arithmetic tests and English tasks to help you consolidate things we have been learning in class. We will be completing weekly Mental Arithmetic tests in class every Thursday.

There are also letters and information sheets for your parents to download at the bottom of the page


Year 6 Curriculum Map
