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​​​​​​PHONICS: Sing, 'Miss. Polly had a dolly' with appropriate actions. Play, 'Listen To The Beat', Use an upturned saucepan and a wooden spoon to play different rhythms. Remind your child to use their listening ears and to move in time to the beat-fast, slow, skipping, marching etc. Keep the beat simple at first (suitable for marching) then move on to more complex rhythms.


MATHS: Using string, marbles, play dough etc make lines. Compare their lengths and use length vocabulary-long, short, longer, longest, shorter, shortest. What day is it? Thoughtful Thursday. What day will it be tomorrow after a sleep?


OTHER: Enjoy some yoga (look at 'Kids Cosmic Yoga' on You Tube). Using good quality white paper, draw on it using a variety of black felt tip pens. Dip the coloured on paper into water and watch what happens to the black ink. Encourage your child to explain the changes
