Welcome to Reception
Our teacher is Miss Hodkinson and our teaching assistant is Mrs Felton
Summer 2
This half term we will be playing and learning in both our indoor and outdoor areas. We will choosing toys and equipment from the areas and using these in our play. We will be enjoying having our lunch in the hall with our friends and playing in the infant playground.
We are developing positive friendships with the children in our class by playing with them in our areas, and listening and responding to what they say. We are learning to initiating conversations with children and adults in school and become more confident sharing our ideas with others. We have own ideas of what we would like to do in a class area and try hard to achieve this, even when it becomes a challenge!
We have our PE sessions in the hall on a Friday afternoon so please can you ensure that your child has their PE kit in school on this day. Can we ask that all their school uniform is named so that any lost items can be given back.
We encourage children to bring in a healthy snack into school which they enjoy at playtimes. There is always piece of fruit available daily for your child to eat if you prefer.
Please bring in water in a named water bottle which can be kept in the green box in our cloakroom.
This half term our learning challenge is,
Are all mini-beasts the same?
Below are some ideas of what you can do at home to help your child. When playing with your child at home, can you encourage them to: