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Early work - 6 times table sheet (short test during our first zoom session)


Maths - MNP Worksheet 9

          - Subtracting lengths challenge sheet (3 levels to choose from, answers attached)


English - Short spelling test during our second zoom session

               Write your Iron Man poem out neatly and illustrate, or type it out and add an image.

               This piece of work needs to be handed into me so that I can provide individual

               feedback to each child via email - thank you.  


Computing - Purple Mash emailing activity (I will explain this to the children during our afternoon



Homework - Reading: choose a fiction book off Oxford Owl and write a brief summary of your

                    favourite part (I will choose some children to share this next week).

                    Maths: complete the Multiplication check I've set on Purple Mash (if you want to make it

                    harder for yourself, find it in the maths section and change the settings).
