Home Page

Year 6

Welcome to Year Six!


Your Teacher is Mrs Burnham and Mrs Emery is our Teaching Assistant this year.


Spring 2

On this page you will find lots of information about things we will be learning and pictures of us in school.


In English we will be covering the following texts:  Discussion, Poetry- haikus, Narrative writing and reports. World Book Day: Kensuke’s Kingdom with linked writing and topic work to create a ship’s log, newspaper report and suspense story. Grammar: SPAG rules, complex sentences, investigating conditional and modal. Past participle and progressive and perfect tenses, types of pronouns.

Spelling: using rules and exceptions, suffixes and prefixes, root words. Key revision of words on Y5/6 curriculum list.


In Maths, we will be covering a range of shape, geometry and measures work. We will be calculating the area and perimeter of shapes, including triangles and parallelograms. This will involve working out volumes of cuboids. We will look at position and direction and the coordinates of shapes on x and y-axes. We will also be learning about conversions of different units as measures, including metric and imperial measures. We will be continually working on arithmetic skills to calculate number questions, including the four operations with fractions. The children will develop their understanding and recognition of Roman Numerals.


In Science, we will be finding out about electricity in our science work. We will build on work covered lower down school to construct circuits in parallel and series and test the brightness of bulbs and make buzzers and switches operate. We will use correct scientific symbols to record circuits. The children will carry out practical investigations in addition to developing their understanding of electrical safety and sustainable energy sources.



This half term in computing, children will be working with Mrs Oldham on a theme called ‘we are travel writers’ to create a brochure about travel. The children will document an educational visit to the River Bollin and Styal Mill to create a travel brochure. They will capture photographs, audio and video as digital media to use for this advertising document.


In Geography, we will study the local River Bollin and River Mersey and the impact on human settlements nearby, including field work. We will visit Styal Mill to learn about rivers and fieldwork investigations, We will also develop map reading skills to follow a trail. This half term we will be using the book, Kensuke’s Kingdom, to cover some mapping skills. We will be using maps to find 8 point compass directions, 6 figure grid references, plotting time zones on world maps and plotting a course to sail around the world.

In R.E we will consider:  what difference does it make to believe in Ahimsa (harmlessness), Grace (the generosity of God) and Ummah (community)? They will make connections between beliefs and behaviour in different religions for Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. The children will learn about Easter traditions and religious celebration for Christians and how they celebrate this major festival.


Our themes in PSHE this half term are 'Good to be me' in SEAL and Individual Liberty for British Values. The children will focus on healthy relationships, with a specific focus on staying safe online and how to deal with online communication.



Things to Remember:

You will need a water bottle, pen and reading book (and record!) with you in school every day.

P.E. in Year Six is on Mondays (Indoor- handball) and Fridays (Tag Rugby), you must ensure you have your kit on these days please. However, the weather could be unpredictable and you should ensure your kit is suitable for the conditions.

Homework will always be handed out on Fridays and should be returned by the following
Wednesday. Each week you will have spellings to learn for a test on Friday, plus Mental Arithmetic tests and English tasks to help you consolidate things we have been learning in class. We will be completing weekly Mental Arithmetic tests in class every Thursday.


Booster classes start this half term, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings at 8.15 am. Homework club is also available every Friday after school for Y6 during this half term. 

