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PHONICS- 'Listening Moment' Talk about how to be a Good Listener (keep quiet, have ears and eyes ready), then set a timer and listen to noises inside. Ask your child to name everything they have heard. Can your child make the sound themselves? Repeat this activity outside.

MATHS- Show your child 4 shapes: circle, square, rectangle and triangle. Go on a shape hunt inside and outside. Perhaps your child can take photographs of the shapes they find.

OTHER- 'Fast Feet' How many markers (e.g. scrunched up socks on the floor) can you touch in 30 seconds? 'Long Jump' How far can you jump? Can you jump your own height? How far can you jump in 3 consecutive jumps?

Reading- Share a book. Perhaps your child can mark make/ draw a picture of a character. Free reader books are still available from the school's porch.
