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Phonics: Favourite Sounds- Which sounds does your child like and why? Perhaps the song from an ice cream van because he/ she likes ice cream! Maybe it is the sound of a kitten mewing, waiting for a stroke. Support your child to make up simple sentences and talk in greater detail about sounds. 

Maths: Practise 'fluency', that is, counting aloud. Try to 5, then 9 if appropriate. Can your child 'finger count' to 5? Encourage your child to set the table for dinner. Can they ensure everyone has their own set of cutlery, cup and plates?

Other Learning: We are exploring the colours gold and silver. If you have pens in this colour, try mark making on different coloured paper. such as black and grey. 

Please use your dough recipe in your Remote Learning pack. While your child rolls the dough to make a sausage shape, encourage your child to sing, 'Roly Poly ever so slowly, roly poly faster!' Now support your child to separate their digits then press each thumb and finger into the dough. We want strong fingers for writing!

Keep fit with jumping. How many jumps can you do in a minute while your grown up counts? What is your personal best?

Reading: Please choose two free reader books from the school's main porch. Returned books have a separate crate, thank you.

