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Pupil Voice



At Well Green, we pride ourselves on our students having a voice. We value their views on every aspect of school life where possible. We want to nurture a culture where all children feel listened to, valued, respected and empowered.


How we listen to children at Well Green Primary School


Currently there is a range of opportunities for listening to our children on key issues in our school.


School Council – Children meet with Miss Shaw to participate in ‘Action Research’ for the benefit of all children in school

Play leaders – Children from Years 5 and 6 have been specially trained to help with the younger children in Reception and Key Stage 1. They are to be found in the Infants Playground at lunchtime and before school. Mrs Simon leads this group of children and arranges training.

Sports Leaders - Staff lead training sessions for these children to undertake sports activities in school and promote a fit and healthy lifestyle with the children

Eco Warriors – Watch this space for our news about our Eco- Monitors.

IT Ambassadors – A team of children who are passionate about computing and are able to help develop this area in our school, Mrs Bell leads this team.

Pupil Questionnaires – We question all pupils on their opinion each year, see the annual feedback report.

Post Observation/Drop-in discussions – Children meet with senior staff and subject leaders to discuss their learning and life in their class following a lesson observation or 'drop-in' by subject leaders.

Approachable and available staff - Children know they can talk with staff, including teaching assistants and Mrs Markham if they wish to share a problem or concern

Mental Health First Aider - Mrs Grice and Miss Shaw are available to support you with any concerns you may have about your child.  Mr Birch or Pace2be are on site each week and offer group and individual support.


Children who wish to speak to someone not connected with school, may be directed to use 'Childline' a free service led by professionals who can provide advice and support.


Any child who speaks to a member of staff and makes a disclosure of a more serious matter will have this reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Markham or in her absence Miss Shaw.  Advice may be sought from 'First Response'.

Annual Pupil Questionnaire
