Welcome to Year 1 Summer 1
In English our focus will on reading non-fiction texts and we will continue with Traditional Stories. We will be learning about the features of these texts and we will be extending our vocabulary. We will continue to revise different phases of Letters and Sounds ready for the Phonics Test and using punctuation correctly is ongoing. The children will be using connectives and adjectives and they will know what nouns and verbs are.
In Maths we will be covering place value and ordering numbers, addition and subtraction, capacity and volume, adding and taking 11, position and direction, money including giving change and 2D and 3D shape.
We will be searching and collecting images from the Internet and copying and pasting these onto a Power point or a Microsoft Word document
A study of the local area looking at land use, about personal likes and dislikes and about places people could visit if they came to Hale Barns.
We will be experimenting with ways of selecting and joining materials to make a construction and we will be investigating ways to make something structurally stronger.
Games: developing basic game playing skills. Gymnastics: using apparatus to create short phases. |
Simple responses to questions and joining in with French songs |
Personal safety and personal hygiene and what makes us healthy people, changes as we grow older.
What makes some places sacred? (Christianity and Islam) |
Homework will be given out on a Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Please read with your child regularly and record this in their reading record, it is part of their weekly homework. P.E will be on a Monday and Wednesday. If you have any concerns please don’t hesitate to come and see me.
Ellesmere Port Boat Museum