Home Page

Week commencing 28th September

 Hello Year 5,

Don't forget to zoom in at either 9am or 10:30am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. I'll be sending you a link for this. Remember, keep all the work you do together in the orange book that you were given. Bring it back next Wednesday.

Take care and see you tomorrow

Mrs Armstrong smiley


Maths instructions

The work for Monday to Thursday follows a similar format to the lessons in class.

Monday and Tuesday's lessons are linked: rounding to a million. The power point on Monday's page relates to Monday and Tuesday's worksheets. Wednesday's PowerPoint is related to Thursday too. 

Each day's worksheet has 3 level : D - E- GD (developed- expected- greater depth). Children can choose which one to do. Answers are at the end.


English instructions

Our main work this week is to write an autumn poem using descriptive language. We practised this last week in our kagan groups and wrote descriptive sentences using expanded noun phrases. I have uploaded some resources  to help the children; these will be on Monday's page. I will also upload some grammar and spelling work too. 
