Thursday 23rd July 2020
Dear Year 5,
It was so nice to see so many of you in school today. Everyone looked like they had grown!
I'd just like to say it's been a pleasure teaching you all and I think Mrs Bell is lucky to be getting such a great Year 6 class from September. She is definitely going to be amazed at how much progress you've all made since your were in Year 3.
Thank you to anyone who gave me a present today. I had a couple without names on them, so I wasn't able to email my thanks. If you gave me a present, then thank you, it was very much appreciated.
I hope you all stay safe during the next few weeks and I look forward to seeing you around school in the Autumn.
Best wishes
Mrs Armstrong
Message to Year 5 children: Week 6th April- 10th April
Dear Year 5,
I hope you are all well and have managed to stay busy over the last couple of weeks. I will set Maths and English each week from 6th April. Try to do the work in the book you were given although printing off the sheets, if you are able to, is fine also. Please remember to stay safe whilst using your computer, particularly if you are researching subjects and facts online. Make sure that you ask permission from your family whenever you go online and show your parents and other family members what you have been doing. I am hoping that we can get back to school as soon as possible and look forward to seeing your project about a South American country of your choice set as your Easter holiday homework! If you want to ask me anything about the work I have set you can contact me using my school email address.
Best wishes
Mrs Armstrong
As you will see I have uploaded work connected to our Summer 1 Maths topics, which we were due to cover this term. These are connected to our measures topic. We will start with angles. Remember, D=developing E=expected GD=greater depth. Try to do all of them in order as this will help with your understanding rather than just going for the GD! If you haven't got a protractor, don't worry, you can do these tasks at a later dates. Also, go on to My Maths and complete some of the Year 5 angle tasks. Don't forget to keep practising on TTRock Stars! (And do a page of your Scofield & Sim book each week.)
Weekly spelling sheet to learn.
Reading Comprehension about the London Marathon. Choose the level that you feel is best for you.
Writing fronted adverbials. Try to do the work in your book. However, if you are able to print off the sheets and fill them in, that is fine too.