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Week Commencing 11th January 2021

To Year 4 children and parents,


Well done to everyone for all your hard work last week. What a great start to online learning! And thank you to all parents for your fantastic support! 

This week, we will be starting our fractions topic in maths, including counting in hundredths, equivalent fractions and mixed numbers.

In English, we will complete our explanation texts and we will do some comprehension and SPaG tasks.

In Geography, we are continuing with our Angry Earth topic, focusing on volcanoes. In Science, we are learning about how some materials can change state if they are heated or cooled. We will also be continuing with our Computing, RE and French.

Enjoy your week and work hard! Don’t forget your PE personal challenges! 
Mrs Simon 



Homework: Friday 15th January (to be completed by Wednesday 20th January)


1) I have set 2 mymaths task to help you further with fractions work.


2) Log in to Oxford Owl and read a book (wellgreene/2020). Next, log in to purple mash where I have set a book review 2do. Complete the book review and 'hand-in' on Purple Mash.

