An Introduction for Well Green Primary School Families
Hello Everyone,
I would like to take the opportunity to introduce myself to you and to give you a brief introduction to Ok Mum and the provision we offer.
My name is Alison and I set up Ok Mum back in 1993. I left work to have my first child – Oliver who was born 10 weeks prematurely the day after I went on maternity leave and I have been juggling childcare and work ever since so I know how difficult it can be and the challenges we have as working parents & carers of young children.
Myself and my management team have years of childcare experience as well as having our own children so we are very aware how important it is for parents and carers to be able to go to work knowing their child / children are in safe hands – you can have peace of mind knowing their child / children are being well cared for in a healthy, safe, stimulating, and fun environment by qualified, knowledgeable staff.
We understand that parents & carers want to pick children up from their child carers, knowing they have had an enjoyable time and that their time has been productive, whether that is doing homework, playing, socializing, doing sport or other things they enjoy.
We are delighted to be operating from Well Green Primary School, providing child care for your children since September 2022.
If you are interested in our provision, we ask that you complete the enquiry form. I will then send you a ‘new parent pack’ which will include full details about the provision we offer, including terms & conditions, registration forms and booking forms, to be completed for September intakes.
With reference to socializing and getting to know children before they join us. We always offer sessions when we get to know your child(ren) before they start with us. This will need to happen before their start date. We want to avoid children being dropped off or collected on their first of school with someone they have never met before. Please discuss this with the team.
Breakfast Club - £7.00 per child per session
After School Club – Collection before 4.45pm - £11.50 or Collection up to 6.00pm - £14.00
BOOKING A PLACE: Places are booked half termly or termly. Parents & carers can book regular, set days and we also offer flexible terms for those working shifts/ monthly rotas etc…
The following information is an overview of what we will provide.
Breakfast Club, After School Club & School Holidays
We currently have 3 clubs and will be shortly adding your school to our list:
Ok Mum Altrincham – 25 Stamford Park Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA15 9EL (This club caters for Stamford Park and Hale Prep Children).
Ok Mum St Ambrose – St Ambrose Preparatory School, Hale Road, Hale Barns, WA15 0HE
At Well Green Primary our opening time for Breakfast Club will be 7.45am
After School Clubs open from 3.10pm until 6.00pm.
Holiday Clubs open from 7.45pm until 6.30pm. We run holiday clubs all summer and all half terms.
Our main holiday club operates from St Ambrose Preparatory School in Hale Barns. We do not normally use Well Green Primary School.
We offer breakfast and children can play, socialize and draw/colour before going to school.
At Well Green, we will discuss the routine with school and we will follow procedures for taking children to classrooms, into the playground etc… so children attending the Breakfast Club go into school with their peer group and follow the same rules as others in their class. Ok Mum staff will remain on site until children are safely in school. We will open from 7.45am and breakfast which is usually toast or cereal, will be served until 8.30am.
After a hard, restricting day at school children need to “unwind” and have fun, therefore the emphasis at the after-school club is on freedom to choose and fun varied activities. We aim to provide something for all ages and abilities, likes and dislikes therefore all activities should be assessable across the board and no one child or young person should be left out of any activity or situation.
At Well Green Primary, upon arrival, children will be greeted and registered. We will discuss procedures with school and we shall collect children from classrooms and designated areas/doors/playground, following the same rules as parents and other carers collecting children.
Children sit down for afternoon tea at approximately 3.30pm. This is usually a cold buffet style tea with plenty of choice for all children. We do not serve a hot evening meal!
Once children have finished tea, there will be opportunities to do homework, play indoors and outside, do craft activities and colour/draw. We shall have a range of new toys and equipment to suit all ages and once we are established on site, we will ask the children what they like to do and our activities/toys and games will then reflect the choices made by the children attending the club.
Holiday Clubs operate from St Ambrose Preparatory School. We have extensive indoor and outdoor facilities which are suitable for all ages.
I can be contacted on 07935 963 455 or at the office 0161 915 6829. Please do not use What’s App. Alternatively you can email me at enquiries@okmum.org.uk
Regards Alison Rokka – Club Proprietor