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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3frown

Your teacher is Mrs Bell and Mrs Williams is our teaching assistant.


Year 3 dressed up as sports stars for Sports Relief

Summer 2


In English, we will be reading ‘The Wind in the Willows’ as our class book and write descriptions, play scripts and letters based on this. We will practise improving sentences in a variety of ways, including using better adjectives and adverbs.


In Maths, we will revise many of the concepts covered this year, including practise of the written methods for multiplication and division. We will apply what we have learnt to enable us to solve word problems, including problems involving money. We will also be completing the 'Tackling Numbers' program run by Sale Sharks.


This half term in Science, We will be learning about light and shadows. We will find out about light sources, look at how shadows are created and how the shape and size of shadows change. We will also learn about the range of colours that can be seen.


In our History topic, we will build on what we have learnt about the Stone Age and find out about life in the Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will think about reasons why Stonehenge might have been built and how life changed when they began using metals.


Our computing unit this half term is ‘we are presenters’. We will make short narrated videos about what it is like being in Year 3.


In Design and Technology, we will be designing and making savoury scones.


In R.E. our key question this half term is ‘What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today?’ We will learn about how Hindus show their faith in the home, what a shrine consists of and the different gods and goddesses that they worship. We will also find out about why Mahatma Gandhi is a Hindu hero and how Hindus in Britain live their lives.


Homework, usually English, Maths and any spellings/multiplication tables will be given out on a Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Please read with your child regularly and record this in their reading record, it is part of their weekly homework. (Times tables/spelling test every Friday).


PE sessions will be Tag Rugby with Sale Sharks outdoors on Monday afternoons and rounders on Wednesday afternoons; a suitable kit is needed for these lessons. If children have their ears pierced, it would be preferable if they could leave their earrings at home on P.E. days. If not, they must be able to remove their earrings themselves and are responsible for putting them somewhere safe.


Please can you also ensure your child has the correct equipment required for school: a pencil, ruler, rubber and a blue fibre-tipped pen. It is also useful to have some pencil crayons and a glue stick. They also require a named water bottle.
