Phonics: Using your home-made shaker (from last week's homework), sing a familiar song while shaking it. Perhaps sing these songs: Hickory, Dickory Dock or The Grand Old Duke Of York.
Now try singing these new words (see below) to a well known song. When you feel confident with the lyrics, add the shaker too.
Tune: Twinkle Twinkle
Shake your shaker in the air, shake them, shake them everywhere.
Shake them high, shake them low,
Shake them everywhere you go.
Shake your shaker in the air, shake them, shake them everywhere.
Can you sing quietly? Can you sing slowly?
Maths: Say the numbers to five slowly. Repeat using different voices, such as a squeaky or silly voice. Count 5 buttons (all the same) or dried pasta (all the same), remembering to carefully line up the objects and touching each one as it is counted. Can you remember how many there are? What was the LAST number you said?
Other Learning: Look at photographs of three wild animals. Are they all the same or different? Talk about number of legs, fur or scales, patterns, special features such as the giraffes long neck. Ball Skills: Can you roll a ball along the floor? Can you roll it towards a target (such as a coloured piece of paper, empty bin on its side or towards another adult).
Reading: Free readers are available on Tuesday in the school's porch. Please pop your current books in the provided blue box. When sharing your text, Can you point to the book's characters? Tell your grown up where the writing is. Enjoy lots of lovely reading! Feel free to let your child add 'their mark' in their Reading Record Book.