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Hello Reception!


What a strange end to the school year we have had. I have loved seeing lots of you either at school or through our zoom calls. I do hope that you have enjoyed your time in Reception, finding out lots of new things and learning with your friends. I have enjoyed getting to know you all, and I know that Mrs Printy, Miss Crabtree and Mrs Felton had so much fun with you too. It is such a shame that we didn't all get to spend your last term in Reception together. 


I am sure that when you come back into Year 1 you will have a great time, seeing all your friends again. I know that Mrs Al-Hassani is looking forward to meeting you all. 


I hope you all have a lovely last week, whether it is at home or in school. I have made a booklet for you to help you with your learning over the summer holidays. I hope you take some time to work through some of the activities as it will help you when you move into Year 1. 


Enjoy your summer holidays with your family. 


Hopefully see you all soon,

Miss Hodkinson








Hello from Miss Hodkinson

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Reception Reading Support
