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Welcome to Reception

Summer 2

As the weather is changable, please ensure you send your child in a waterproof coat with a hood and a sunhat and sunblock on hot days. If your child doesn't have name labelled wellies in school, please send some in. Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school EVERY DAY.

Our 'Big Question' this half term is 'What are mini-beasts like?'

We will also be exploring the following questions:

What does every chick have? How do mini-beasts move? Where are mini-beasts found? Can we build a mini-beast city? Your child will be asked to bring in old plant pots, sticks, logs and old unwanted house bricks and stones.



We are continuing Power Maths. We will be  exploring what is meant by doubling and will learn to recognise and represent doubles to double 5 in a range of contexts. We will learn how to halve quantities by sharing into two equal groups and making links to the fact that halving is the opposite, or inverse, of doubling. We will explore odd and even numbers in familiar contexts and use our understanding of of equal groups to identify odd and even numbers. We will learn to measure using non-standardised units by making our own playdough.

We will look at measuring length, height and distance and link our knowledge of length and height back to our architectural design project based on the work of Zaha Hadid. We will explore weight by comparing two items and learn how to use balance scales correctly. We will continue to use everyday language to compare volume and capacity using the terms full, empty, nearly full and nearly empty in the context of liquids (water) and solids (sand) and by using 'ml' to fill standardised measuring jugs independently when we paint.


In phonics, we will be using Phase 4 Letters and Sounds to  consolidate our knowledge of graphemes. We will learn to read and spell words containing adjacent consonants.We will also learn to read some polysyllabic words. It would be extremely helpful to your child's learning if you could read with them every day for ten minutes.


In literacy, we will read a range of books and know how to predict what the book is about, whether it's fiction or non-fiction and answer retrieval questions. We will learn new vocabulary and use it correctly in our own sentences. We will be learning to summarise a book in two or three sentences. We will be writing a 'chick diary' as part of our S.R.E. work and learning how to draw and label a diagram as a scientist. We will be designing, making and improving a Bug Hotel as part of our engineering work using the 'engineering process' we first used when making our own house-boats earlier this year.


Every Friday, we will have a science, art or forest school activity. We will continue to grow our own vegetables in our raised bed and hopefully we will get a chance to use them as part of D.T before we break up for the summer.


We will be learning to draw and paint en plein air and looking at the work of Van Gogh, linking this to the ethos of a Growth Mindset, which is of key importance to good mental health and academic achievement.


We will also learn about a special world location as part of geography, and learn about its key features. 


We will be visiting Chester Zoo as part of Wellbeing and to teach new vocabulary and to learn how to draw out a map.


P.E is every Friday. Please ensure your child has a labelled kit. Music is every Tuesday. Computing is every Thursday. Your child will be given the opportunity to use the KS1 library every Wednesday. 



If you have any questions or concerns, please either see me at the school gate or e-mail me and I will arrange a time to chat. 


Rain by Robert Louis Stevenson

Still image for this video