Maths- make sure you have done the 'finding change' work which was on the page from last week. Try the problems on the sheet below.
Science- read the information on the PowerPoint slides about John McAdams to find out what he invented and then create your own fact file about him on the sheet provided.
Art- we are going to do some art today liinked to the great fire of London. We are going to paint a 'firey' background with red, yellow and orange paints. Then we will use black charcoal or crayons to draw the 'tudor-style' houses from the time on top like the picture below.
You could have a go at something similar at home!
Tuesday and Wednesday
English- We are writing our own version of The Magic Paintbrush (I have reattached the story PowerPoint below if you would like to re-read it). Using the PowerPoint to guide you with planning your story and then writing your own version. Use the planning sheet to create your own main character, think of things that your character could paint with the brush, create a new 'bad' character and think of a different way to escape from prison.
Once you have planned your new version then you can write your own using the ideas and examples on the PowerPoint to help guide you.
Computing- we are completing activities linked to Safer Internet Day. Read the digiduck story and discuss then complete the 2 activities. There is a sorting activity and an activity where you imagine you are creating your own user for the magic castle game. Your photo and your name are personal information, this is why an avatar and username is the best way to protect this information and stops it from being shared online. Also create a password with a mixture of numbers, letters and symbols. To keep it memorable, learners could choose a simple word, and mix it up. E.g. magic becomes M@g!c etc.
D.T.- we are making a moving vehicle in class. Maybe you could get creative at home and use some boxes to create your own vehicle and decorate it.
Thursday and Friday
Maths- solving problems involving money. Watch the video to help guide you through some practise questions: Answer the questions on the sheet below.
R.E.- we will be doing two RE lessons. One about stories involving Prophet Muhammad and one about prayer.
Lesson 1- Watch the video of the two stories 'The Prophet and the Ants' and 'The Crying Camel'. On the sheet, summarise what happens in each story and then answer the questions at the bottom to show what it teaches Muslims.
Lesson 2- Read through the information about Muslim prayer. Pick out some key facts and write them on the sheet provided. Then design your own prayer mat- research common patterns and designs that would be included before designing your own.