Welcome to Year 3
Your teacher this year will be Miss Shaw and your teaching assistant will be Mrs Grice.
Mrs Oldham will also be teaching you each Friday morning.
Spring 2
In English, we will be reading ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ and completing a range of writing tasks based on the book throughout the half term. We will write descriptions of characters and settings and write our own traditional stories. We will learn to spell common homophones and near homophones and work on starting sentences in a variety of ways, including with verbs, adverbs and conjunctions.
In Maths, we will be exploring money. We will name amounts of money, including coins and notes. We will add and subtract amounts of money. We will solve money word problems. We will also practise telling then time accurately. We will measure and compare time.
This half term in Science, we will be learning about magnets and forces. We will investigate which materials are magnetic and what happens when you place two magnets together. We will also explore how far an object moves on different surfaces.
In Geography this half term, we will be looking at our local area and finding out about changes in land use. We will think about the impacts of the changes in Hale Barns and draw our own maps of the area after carrying out our own field work.
In our computing lessons, we are going to learn how to create our own opinion polls, seek responses and then analyse the results by creating graphs in Microsoft Excel. We will develop our understanding of using the internet safely.
In DT, we will be designing and making packaging for Easter eggs or chocolates, creating the packaging from a net and thinking about how to improve and strengthen our designs.
In R.E. we will continue to learn about why the Bible is important to Christians today. We will explore how the Bible can help people if they are tempted to do the wrong things. In the last few weeks, we will learn about the Easter story and why Easter is an important time for Christians.
Homework, usually English, Maths and any spellings/multiplication tables will be given out on a Friday to be handed in by the following Wednesday. Please read with your child regularly and record this in their reading record, it is part of their weekly homework. (mental maths/spelling tests weekly).
Outdoor PE sessions will be on Tuesday afternoons and our indoor sessions will be on Thursday afternoons; a suitable kit is needed for these lessons. If children have their ears pierced, it would be preferable if they could leave their earrings at home on P.E. days. If not, they must be able to remove their earrings themselves and are responsible for putting them somewhere safe.
Please can you also ensure your child has the correct equipment required for school: a pencil, ruler, rubber and a blue fibre-tipped pen. It is also useful to have some pencil crayons and a glue stick. The children also require a water bottle each day in school.
Thank you.