Hello, Nursery Lovelies and Grown-ups,
It has been super seeing you on Zoom. I would now like to include a 'Show and Tell' style session every Monday afternoon following my teaching input. I think this will support the children to virtually interact with their friends and get used to speaking on Zoom. Simply ask your child to choose something special to show, perhaps a painting, picture or to demonstrate a skill. It would be helpful if your child practises saying a simple sentence about their 'Show and Tell' before Monday's 1pm session. Please do not be concerned if your child is too shy to participate- interacting on Zoom is a new skill. At Well Green we use 'Growth Mindset'. Please say to your child, "You just cannot do it YET", and focus on the importance of trying. I am very proud of the way the children are adapting.
Please continue to have your Remote Learning Pack to hand during each session, this supports feedback. Further activities to complement the Zoom lessons are included below, please see appropriate dated star.
Take care and I hope your Colour Monster is yellow, green or pink!
Mrs. Parsons