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Spring 1 Term


Welcome to Nursery

Your class teacher is Ms Van Cook and your teaching assistant is Miss Crabtree.


General Information:


  • Everyday in school your child will need their book bag and a named water bottle, labelled wellies, LABELLED spare clothes in a drawstring bag.
  • Your child will need a warm, waterproof coat with a hood, a hat and gloves. 
  • The children have lot of exercise outside but we will also use the hall every Wednesday afternoon for P.E. For this half term (Spring 1), your child will need to remove their shoes, socks or tights. 
  • Snacks of fruit, vegetables, cereal, milk, breadsticks and crackers are provided.  Please note we are Healthy School- no nuts or products containing nuts/ chocolate e.g. Nutella.
  • Homework: This completed in an exercise book called a 'Busy Bee' book. It is handed out every FRIDAY. Please return it every WEDNESDAY.



Your child will continue with their Guided Reading. Your child your child will bring home a Guided Reading book and a book from our Nursery library they have chosen their self.


Intervention with a Nursery staff member will continue this half term. If your child is in an intervention group, they will have 3 weekly sessions. You will be informed of their targets so you can work on these at home to optimise your child’s progress.


 My email is:


The Nursery Team look forward to working with you this academic year. There are lots of exciting activities planned! Thank you in advance for your kind support, Ms Van Cook and Miss Crabtree. 


Still image for this video
As part of your child’s Literacy/ English development, children need to practise re-telling a familiar story in their own words.
Here is an example of a child re-telling the traditional tale of ‘The Enormous Turnip’. Re-telling a story in their own words is a higher order skill, as children need to remember the characters and the sequence. The child in this video has remembered all the characters in the correct sequence, learnt the meaning of the TIER 2 vocabulary word ‘heave’ and then articulated the story to a friend. A child teaching another child is known as ‘dialogic talk’ and it is of great value to both the child speaking and the child listening.